Sunday, July 10, 2005

Uhh...what ever floats your boat I guess.

So I totally think that there should be a law prohibiting a person to go out in public in certain wardrobes. Now the reason I bring this up is because I saw the most heinous thing the other day while at work.

Scene: I'm standing behind the counter of Mellelo's with a co-worker when we see a man exit his truck. He was walking across the street to the bank, and that is when we discovered his choice of apparel. First off, he was wearing no shirt so his hairy chest and gut were exposed, walking proudly I might add. Second he was wearing these bright red warm up jogging pants which wouldn't have been funny at all except that they were capris!!! Total shocker. Then he also had matching red flip flops; I am led to believe that he actually took some thought and consideration into what he would actually leave his house in. And now the kicker, the icing on the cake...wait for it...yes that is right, a MULLET!! Oh yeah!! Joe Dirt style.

Well I guess if you don't find that absolutely hilarious, then you should have been there. Needless to say, some things should just be outlawed and that is most definitely one of them.


Stacy said...

Makes you wonder what people think when they look in the mirror in the morning...

Then again maybe they don't look at all, and my guess is this guy didn't care to look...

He knew he looked good ;)

doxie said...

You think Medford has it bad?
Coquille has idiot people with no shirts, huge guts, and a can of beer in each hand roaming the streets at night.
I don't think anyone has a mullet (except for one woman who sings with me) but we do have a lot of Carhartt which makes up for it.
*shakes head* You should feel lucky that the mullet-man was unusual enough for you to write about.