Monday, July 04, 2005

Thanks To The Armed Forces

Today let us stop our foolish and selfish bickering about who's right or wrong; let's stop fighting as democrats and republicans and start uniting for the good of our nation, and start fighting for our future as Americans.

Today is July 4th and is the best time, if you havn't already, to remember not only our independence and freedom, but also remember all of those who were brave enough to give their lives, so that we can lay our head down at night with out having to feer what the next day may have in store for us. And not just those who have layed down their lives but those who continue to fight for our freedom day in and day out. Today is the day that we should be anything but selfish; we should be thankfull and proud to say that we live the best country there is.


Bryan said...


Stacy said...

Nicely said my dear Brother...

Stacy said...

Nicely said Big Brother...