Thursday, January 26, 2006

Answer Me This

How is it that as a barista, I am required, (and do quite well I might add) to remember detailed drink orders such as, tall-soy-split shot-latte-extra hot-no foam... ok you get the idea. Well, why is that I can remember all that, but after finishing every single drink I can't seem to remember if they want whiped cream or not! How is that possible?! (And Bryan, I know you know what I'm talking about)


Bryan said...

Yup. I do. I don't have an answer for that either. Glad I'm not the only one either.

Bryan said...


Rational Icthus said...

I'm with Matt, I think it's a barista thing in general. I'm always asked at least twice.

Stacy said...

I'm usually asked and then when I get my drink, they still get it wrong.


When I go to a coffee shop such as your's and a guy by the name of Zach is making my drink, he ALWAYS gets it right = )

Zachary J. Miles said...

Thank's Sis., that was verry sweet. I do try my hardest to get it right.

And Matt, I will have to agree with you this time, going to Starbucks is a complete waste of air. Yes, believe it or not I do, on occasion need someone else to make my coffee for me(Sundays. Only because I work the other six days).

Falling LEAVes said...

See... this is where I luck out. My coffee boy at GJ already knows my drink before I get there, and I don't even have to order it. He also knows I like whip cream on my BLENDED drink, so there is really little I have to do... but pay, which is sometimes not even required.

Zachary J. Miles said...

I will happily exclude all of those who are my regulars because I have quite a few. I know them by drink, and most by name. This includes at least 80% of the poeple that come in.

With that being said, I am talking about the other 20% or so that I either don't see often enough or have never seen before.

Falling LEAVes said...

Are people still ordering blended drinks when it's freezing outside?

Rational Icthus said...

Of course! I love blended drinks. In fact, I made myself an orangesickle drink last night -- vanilla ice cream, sprite & a healthy splash of OJ concentrate, whiz the blender, and OH MAN that's good!