Monday, November 07, 2005

Study Break

So I'm posting this @ 12:30ish in the morning becasue I am taking a much needed break from studying, although it could rightfully be called "cramming", for a history exam that I am not prepared for.

I now find myself though, in the same place that I always am the night before a test, frantically ripping thorugh pages and pages of notes, paying no mind to the text book, after all, what instructer actually pulls questions from the material in the text? That would be crazy!

So now I set out to labour over what I hope are well written notes, and try to recall many class lectures; this is another feble attempt to study for a test I just hope to get a C on.

I wish I had a ROCKSTAR right about now.


MsPoppins20 said...

It's okay Zach, you are a rockstar =) Hope your test went well, I know those feelings all too well. My favorite one is when the text book is dry, Dry, DRY or when they write little introductions to each section. Come on, just give me the info and get on with it!

Stacy said...

So how did the test go? Did you pass or fail? Or should I wait about 5 weeks or so to find the answer to this post?

Zachary J. Miles said...

Ha, ha, ha. Verry funny. It just so happens I got the results of that test back today... 83%!! Oh yah!!