Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Alas I am Back...

and better than ever. Well I'm sure that all of my wonderful fans have been wondering just where I have been (because I have so many letters demanding my whereabouts). LOL! But seriously a lot has happened in the last month... most of which I won't go into detail about and some of which will make for great topics in the days to come. So for now you can just sit back, take a load off and enjoy me, Zachary, talking through my sax.


Bryan said...

I'm diggin' it. Uh, ok.

Mindy said...

What is UP with these people leaving these random stupid "Click Here" posts?!? It's starting to get a little annoying! So, nice to have you back, Zach!

Zachary J. Miles said...

Uhh... yeah. So I will ask once nicely, to please not post "adds" on my blog. I do not want them and they junk it up. It is also very tacky. Thank You.


MsPoppins20 said...

Welcome back Zach. Hey that rhymes! I think I am too tired for my own good... going to bed at the extremly late time of 10pm.

Stacy said...

Yes Welcome back my dear ol' brother. All though I don't have too much room to talk because I haven't posted myself in a REALLY long time either = )

Side note (sorry Zach)....Thanks to Melina for the visit to my blog and for the comment. I know it's probably boring to read, but I appreciate the time that you take out of your busy day to stop by and read it (as well as comment for that matter)