Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Somehting painful is afoot . . .

So I think today I finally reached the tipping point where being slightly annoyed and bored to being severely frustrated and going crazy!! Sorry. Let me fill you in with some back story . . .

So Saturday afternoon was the annual Sunday School picnic. Let me clarify now that I was not scheduled to attend this oh so exciting event as I had already promised my time and services to a friend in need of help moving. I got done with the move early and decided that I would make an appearance anyways.

When I got to the church I quickly became consumed in a game of basketball with Matt Preston and C.J. Marincus. You see, the problem with playing basketball at our church (and I told C.J. and Matt this before we started) is that the basketball hoop is located right next to a curb and it's really easy to land and roll ankles on this curb. Well, about thirty minutes later who do you think landed on the curb and sprained their ankle? That's right! Me!!

I am now the lucky recipient of a splint that goes up to about my knee and a pair of crutches. Below are a few pictures of the my foot. In the first you can see that my right foot is completely swollen and I now have one cankle. The second picture is pretty self-explanatory: knarley bruise!! And finally we have my splint which I must admit makes my injury look far worse than it really is. Maybe I'll play that up. ;)

1 comment:

Stacy said...

Wheres all the love amongst your fellow bloggers?

Sending you some love for your injury! Why haven't you let people sign your "cast" yet :)