Monday, May 29, 2006

Gotta Point There

So I just saw a bumper sticker that I thought was very fitting... "Can't Feed 'Em, Don't Bread 'Em".

Just thought I would share that with everyone.


LaDonna said...

I am going to assume that you meant to put breed not bread and if that's the case, I know of quite a few people who should live by that motto.

Mandy Sue said...

LaDonna, don't turn into Chris and Matt!! haha, you sound just like him, always correcting everyone....

Of course, I'm the one to talk....

....'pico de gallo'

Rational Icthus said...

Man alive! Just because I know how to spell...

Bryan said...

There is a similar one -
"Discourage inbreeding - Ban Rascal Flatts."

Or something like that.

Rational Icthus said...

My favorite bumper sticker ever:

"Family is the group of people that help you with the issues you wouldn't have if they weren't your family."