Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Just Scratch... ... and Sniff

So here is another "stupid" question. At least a close friend of mine told me it was. What are friends for right?

So here goes, I was walking through Target the other night and I ran across the car air fresheners, more specifically Can O' Scent. On the top of the can was a scratch and sniff sticker. So here is the question, how do scratch and sniff stickers work?

Now at the time my friend told me that he thought that it was a very "blonde" question but I think that is perfectly valid and that it gets you thinking.


Stacy said...

Ok so what makes that a stupid question? As far as I'm concerned that is very valid.

Unless you already know the answer to it... I don't think it's a stupid question.

Mindy said...

I think there's a certain amount of the scent bonded to the top of the sticker and when you scratch it you release a small number of molecules, making the smell. Not a blonde question, just a random one.

Rational Icthus said...

The sticker maker creates a gas with the scent he wants. There's a layer of small bubbles of this gas sprayed on the top of the sticker. Every time you scratch, a few of those bubbles break - hence the smell. Also explains why the smell wears out after a few scratches.

Mindy said...

Cool! Thanks for clarifying that, Chris. I have to say I think I've wondered about the same thing!

Mindy said...

Cool! Thanks for clarifying that, Chris. I have to say I think I've wondered about the same thing!

Mindy said...
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